Stop and smell the roses

Recently I caught up with a friend and it came up in conversation the seasons of life that have felt (or currently feel) frantic, where you’re pulled from pillar to post. I’ve been in those seasons in various times in my life and was telling her about a little challenge I’ve adopted recently.

When I get the chance to be on my own, I usually go to a cafe with the requirements being good quality coffee and somewhere that feels cosy and friendly.

Instead of picking up my phone to scroll which is my default (not good, I know) I set myself 15 mins to just sit and notice what is immediately around me while I order.

I feel the worn wooden floor with small ridges between the planks underneath my shoes, the clicks, buzz and whirr of the coffee machine along side muffled conversations accented by laughter and sighs. The occasional waft of eggs and bacon floats by on handmade ceramic plates with speckles, cutlery clinking on tables, chairs groan against the floor as customers reposition themselves.The worn red door creaks open, small movements of air cycling in and out of the cafe. Dogs bark outside whist their owners are waiting on a take away.

I pay attention to how my body feels in that space. How am I responding to the temperature? The volume of the room? Is my body tense or relaxed?

I understand that this can be overload for some, but for me, I recognise that it’s very easy to get distracted and disconnected from what’s in front of me, right now.

It’s challenging to not reach for a device that we’ve been conditioned to live with, but I can say it really helps me be in the moment. Noticing the world and my response to it helps fuel my inspiration for songs and art.

I pass on this challenge to you- have you stopped to smell the roses today? 

Peace & Love,

Elissa x

Love to hear your thoughts. Comment below or message me on Instagram.


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